Thursday, July 18, 2002

Questions to contemplate...

Does capitalism still work in a democratic system? It is time to evolve. We do live in a society that is increasingly controlled by corporate "welfare." That fact that capitalism, as prescribed by the likes of Adam Smith, who proposed his early ideas as a relatively certain extension of democratic values, has evolved into a corrupt oligarchy is proof indeed. Its relationship with a democratic republic has been tainted. The examples are obvious. The modern day Republic needs to better facilitate the democratic idea. People are constantly commenting that Capitalism is the better economic system to be fused with a Democratic State. But has anything really changed since the beginnings of the mighty USA? Are the ideas of Locke and Rousseau still valid in our corrupt corporate government? Reform is on order for these systems. We are at the point that these two systems, economic and socio-political, are so convoluted that true evolutionary reform is the best way for our society.

So how do we change it? In a recent conversation with my significant other, she confidently stated, "We have had enough outrage, what can we really do to act and change?" It is where we are, right now. The old ways of 60s activism are failing, just as our economic and political systems. The present ideologies are complicated and don't represent the majority of free peoples. Are we striving for a true democracy, one that is facilitate fairly by the Republic and gives access to economic endeavors to all? Or are following the path most traveled, that led to the fall or many powerful once democratic states?

The concepts are lost in the mass of complacency and mediocrity. "We have lost control of our public lands, airways, and public companies," stated Ralph Nader last night on CNN's Crossfire. "Publicly-traded corporations are not controlled by their investors and employees, they are controlled by a board of directors" that only think for themselves...

And, yes, Derek's comment- "I say tolerate chaos and the only time to fix it is when it’s not broke."- may have certain validity, because most people are happy and seem more tolerant of change during good times. But, economic prosperity gives license to those who go unchecked, as one adage states: I don't want a bigger piece of the pie. I want my own pie! Unchecked, because the Almighty dollar breeds apathy and manifests greed. And, with greed, comes corrupt Capitalism and a comprised Democracy as the rich strive for more power, leaving the rest behind. This is inherently flawed. The goals of this oligarchy is not that of its people. Utopia only comes to the few, but for a democratic society, it never was really an option for the rest of us, was it?


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