Friday, January 28, 2005

Diebold Announces Paper Trail for Voters

The nerve of these folks! After Diebold's CEO made that comment about "giving Ohio" to Bush in 2004, he figures his job is done now the Bush has been reelected. The important thing to remember here is the EVERY other electronic component the Diebold produces - be it ATM machines, security systems, or med-dispensing machines - has a paper trial or receipt. Good enough for business, but not good enough for people. Some company.

And, by the way, the county where Diebold's HQ is located - Stark County - went blue. It is a shame that the company does not agree with its employee base. It's also a shame that voting machines belong to the private sector and NOT the public. No one should make money off of a person's right to vote... Nobody.


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