Tuesday, August 16, 2005

It's not over Karl...

The most detailed information concerning RoveGate is available village voice > news >here from the Village Voice. Now, Ashcroft is in the mix. Who would of thought? Meanwhile, Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald contemplates his next move. Looking at his history may dictate a plan of action.

The LA Times discusses the "perjury trap." They note: "Perjury prosecutions in federal court are fairly rare — and somewhat controversial. Defense lawyers say they are used in cases to manufacture crimes where the government has no evidence to support more substantive charges." Furthermore, Louis Klarevas, of City College in New York ponders: Will the Precedent Set by the Indictment in a Pentagon Leak Case Spell Trouble for Those Who Leaked Valerie Plame's Identity to the Press?

Will this be enough? Or will the conflict of interest - Fitzgerald being a Bush appointee and Rove being a Bush best friend - ruin any chance of justice being applied? To be continued...


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