Thursday, December 08, 2005

Berkeley gives the finger to House Republicans in tribute to civil rights activist

Berkeley's old City Hall renamed in honor of Maudelle Shirek She was a Civil rights activist who served 20 years on city council. In September, House Republicans had rejected Rep. Barbara Lee's attempt to name the Berkeley Post Office after Shirek, "accusing Shirek of failing to represent American values."

The coward in charge, Rep. Steve King of Iowa, who has defended Joseph McCarthy as a "great American hero." Dictating "rules" and history for California. He wouldn't DARE step foot in Berkeley. He would be too afraid to see so many liberals, progressives, greens, real conservatives, black and brown, red and asian peoples all in one place. He would be afraid to see the real America, real patriots, where people live and respect all values. King represents a very small district in Iowa. I guess your only option there is if you don't understand it, kill it. My rant is done...


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