Thursday, January 19, 2006

Alito - recipe for defeat

Midwest editorials look into the real effect of Alito's confirmation. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette says it best: Americans will regret his confirmation. Why?
Judge Alito comes as advertised. Last week, he did little to confirm or deny what everybody knows about him. He kept his mask firmly in place as the posturing and hypocrisy swirled about him. Once on the court, freed of the need to parry questions, he will revert to type -- and that type will vex the American people, whether they know it or not, for years.
Oh yes, true indeed. For all the pomp and circumstance surrounding the veiled attempt to understand who Alito really is - the Dems constant pontification, the Repubs trifling soft-ball angelic glorification - one thing is for sure - he will take the Supreme Court right - way right in some cases and that will make many Americans (when it sinks in and they see the light) very uneasy about their Democracy. This is who he is and his record shows how consistent he has been. He cannot change on a dime after decades of ruling once way. These are his beliefs. The Post-Gazette sums it up:
An Associate Justice Alito will be meticulous, but he will read the law narrowly to favor authority -- presidential, police or otherwise -- and he will line up with those who wish to deprive women of the right to have an abortion. He will do it because it is his nature to do it -- as his most fervent supporters well understand -- and that is why he should be opposed.


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