Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A Marin, CA senior, Sarah Nome, highlights the real crisis in America these days, by squatting in a hospital until adequate care is provided... She's 82 years old and has a few things to say. It is sad that it comes to this - somebody is home, nobody is listening. Now seniors have to become social activists and outlaws JUST to receive medical care after many years of paying health insurance.

When will it even be possible that Americans will wake up long enough just to set the record straight?? And hold our officials accountable for their increasingly indefensible positions?! This “new value” system seems to be leaving everyone behind - your children, your healthcare, and your parents. It is deafening. And they want to take away Social Security too?

It is time to stand up for real values – those values that protect your children from toxins in our food and pollution in our communities, those values that provide compassion and care for the elderly among us, those values that provide benefits for those who go off to fight for our security, those values that provide us with a high quality of life that includes a workable workplace, a viable and productive education system, and a sustainable marketplace, those values that are truly important to us and represent what is called Democracy…

It is time. So you continue to fight Sarah Nome, for you are the bravest among us.


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