Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Left's Media Miscalculation

Parry does a good job at dissecting US Media and how it made the "shift" from Left to Right. He claims that the Left neglected the media for other forms of organizing, while the Right embraced and created right-wing media, while whittling away at investigative journalism. Right true. But, it usually comes down to money. Parry talks about that too, along with a detailed history that is informative and hard-hitting.

The Left doesn't seem to get it, I guess. Parry doesn't advocate (nor do I) emulating the BS tactics that BushCo employs, but strongly suggests liberals work on their media investment. You figure we would learn from Vietnam, even now that Jane Fonda is on a hard hitting PR tour to debunk the radical right's claims that she willing posed for that anti-aircraft photo way back when some 30 years ago.

So read this piece; it will certainly explain some shortcomings and reasons why the day the Left was won is a long time coming... "The hard truth for the Left is that the media imbalance in the United States could very easily get much worse. The difficult answer for the progressive community is to come to grips with this major strategic weakness, apply the Left’s organizing talents, and finally make a balanced national media a top priority."


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