Monday, May 16, 2005

After week of riots, Newsweek admits it got Qur'an story wrong

The fallout for Newsweek is huge, but the Pentagon and BushCo should not go unscathed. They are just as much a part of this incendiary situation as the writers and editors in Newsweek. Theories abound, of course. Was this information planted by neo-cowards in the Pentagon, before retracted to push Newsweek over the edge? Could be? Why, this sounds like conspiracy theory... But, nowadays, I would not put it past this administration. Is nothing sacred? What if "this senior Pentagon official" who leaked the info had been compromised? Is it a plant then? Is this official a pawn? Has BushCo threatened Newsweek into submission? All this on the religious back of Islam… What a disgrace? God forbid we desecrate Christianity this way? Wait, some in BushCo, already have - using it to push their agenda by taking advantage of people who expect their religious freedom. The ironic - wait, more sad - part of it is that those oligarchs and powermongers in the Islamic world seem never to use Jesus and the Bible is acts of manipulation - they focus on leaders and people - the ones who do the killing. But, this statement would mean that Newsweek may have found something and it would not be a good thing… for anyone.


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