Wednesday, September 28, 2005

It looks like trouble in RepublicanLand

DeLay Indicted in Campaign Finance Probe

It is about time. It took a while, but Tom's time is up...

DeLay is the first House leader to be indicted while in office in at least a century, according to congressional historians.

It goes to show you how corrupt this administration and party really is... There have been quite a few criminal politicians in our history, but DeLay takes it to the next level, Teapot Dome Scandal be damned. This kind of impropriety is indefensible.

Red state after red state is falling into political disarray, plagued with corrupt Republicanism. The list continues to grow - Governor Taft and Congressman Ney in Ohio, Governor Fletcher in Kentucky, Sen. Frist in Tennessee, Federal Procurement chief, former FEMA boss Brown...

Some states are taking matters into their own hands. An organization in Ohio, Reform Ohio Now aims to clean the state government from top to bottom.

The GOP's claim that there is a partisan agenda here by Dems is flat out untrue. Americans are just getting fed-up with how BushCo is running things. Domestic and foreign policies are failing miserably. Only corporations and the rich are enjoying themselves. The malaise among the citizens here and troops abroad is palpable. The Dems have been demoralized to a point where their treats feel meaningless. How can this be partisan? DeLay is a criminal, plain and simple. His actions were criminal - fraud corruption, illegal donations, unconstitutional redrawing of district lines, abuse of power, using defensive less people for political advantage, and lastly, no respect for people.

This man's blind lust for power has led to his downfall. Period. Time for him to go...


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