Thursday, January 26, 2006

BushCo: Fuzzy reality...

Bush can't recall taking photos with "Pioneer" Jack Abramoff and calls them 'not relevant.' It is hard to say whether BushCo is willing to accept the consequences of his link to good ole Jack. Surely, you can't not know who has contributed some $100,000 as becoming a Pioneer requires? His deflection, however, does not bode well for the GOP in general this election year. The fact that the rule of law was broken here - with the lobbying scandal and the NSA secret domestic wiretapping, as well as the ineptitude of Hurricane Katrina response and mismanagement of the Iraqi war, sets up his Party for a big fall. Let's face it, the Administration and the GOP, in their extreme zeal for power, stomped all over the weak Democrats, and assumed a powerful position. Now it is time to assume the responsibility for the corruption and mistakes.


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