Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Video killed the Homeland Security Star...

Apparently, video footage shows that Bush and Chertoff were warned before Katrina hit.
Bush didn't ask a single question during the final briefing before Katrina struck on Aug. 29, but he assured soon-to-be-battered state officials: "We are fully prepared."

The footage - along with seven days of transcripts of briefings obtained by The Associated Press - show in excruciating detail that while federal officials anticipated the tragedy that unfolded in New Orleans and elsewhere along the Gulf Coast, they were fatally slow to realize they had not mustered enough resources to deal with the unprecedented disaster.
Fatally slow is an appropriate use of wording here. Brownee has complained about the "fog of bureaucracy," and is unwilling to take the fall for this tragedy. It seems to me that the fog is in all their heads. Looking worried doesn't minimize the colossal error BushCo made. And this is supposed to instill confidence that they are protecting us from terrorists?


At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is not shocking to me in the least! Didn't most of us already figure that they knew and just did nothing?? We know that Bush cut the funding for the completion of the levees long before Katrina, so all his "situational perspective" crap is just that... CRAP.

Let's face it, anything said by this administration you can expect the exact opposite to be true.

At 9:48 AM, Blogger JC said...

There is an editorial in the San Francisco Chronicle today that follows up on your comments, Dana...

One heckuva warning

The best insight here is:

"In fact, the grainy video of Bush's response was the most damning portrait of an oblivious commander in chief since, well, this same president continued to methodically read "My Pet Goat" to a Florida elementary school class after being told of the attacks on the World Trade Center buildings on Sept. 11, 2001."

This is just shameful, absolutely shameful.


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