This is the story that led me to the previous NY Times piece. It is much more relavent and touches on a growing movement to bring under-reported journalism to the front lines. May just pipe dreams, but why not?
U.S. Firms Aiding Iraqi Oil Industry
building Progressive Politics - one truth at a time
This is the story that led me to the previous NY Times piece. It is much more relavent and touches on a growing movement to bring under-reported journalism to the front lines. May just pipe dreams, but why not?
The comments by the German investigator in this piece are rather interesting, particularly towards the end of the story. The fact that everything is piecing together so well may not be coincidental. Why is that? Could it be what US authorities are keeping from the public, while other countries are revealing more information? Or is this information purposely placed?
While the International Environmental Summit is convening in South Africa, Double Dip Dubya is not attending because he is a busy man. Mark Fiore will explain.
The nonsense continues, and M. Ivins keeps the barrel rolling- making perfect sense of what was anything but an 'economic forum' in Waco, TX last week. This showboating has got to stop folks, or the American way mantra will fully evolve to "act now, and forget later..."
Populism seems to be the idea we are all striving for nowadays, at least in politics. Krugman here brings up a valid point of the administration's blatant missuse of it. And the Dems inaction. as a result of not knowing what they have...
This is great. The Dems seem to be getting started with a little creative advertising. Works well...
Somehow, my outrage toward this pResident and his administration is beginning to become numb, which is what I was afraid of... This story from Reuters upsets me a bit. These firefighters risked their lives and died, yet are stomped by the political farce we call patriotism...
yes yes yes yes yes! I have not owned a tv for three years now and really enjoy the amount of "news" I miss out on. As a matter of fact, I was eating in a resteraunt the other day that had the tv on to one of the all news all day kind of stations and it is amazing in how that now that we have 24 hour news coverage, they have to make up newsworthy things to report. Dragging on a a fire investigation and cutting back and forth from footage to press conference until something moteworthy happens. ANd I think I might add that the amount of pressure the two parties have on the news is big too. I'm for the radio and though it has the same problems it is much easier to turn off. Ever notice how sportscenter has such flashy graphics and entrancing music. That's how my friends can watch it four times in a row. OPium for the masses. Even during the september attacks I found out before a lot of people because I had my radio on as I usually do on my way to work. Actually I might be the only american who still hasn't seen the plane footage. Weird, but by the time I got to a tv later that week they deemed it insensitive to show. YES YES YES YES YES
Morford from SFGate brings us a fresh and vital rant in these times of constant 24-Hour brash news. His "notes & errata" segments whip up a sense of passion and irony here. The possibility still exists, the duality of one's self in a fucked up world. That fact that we can just tune out at a moments notice is refreshing, and well, necessary. Besides, who would want to think of the 'war on terror' sitting by a mountain lake surrounded by redwoods...
Well, Derek, your point is well taken and indeed more fact than fiction. It is true that the political extremes are identical. Sure, we can compare Ann Coulter with a radical tree-spiker in the Pacific Northwest, but who are we kidding here? They back themselves with facts and agendas and move their machine forward and we sit here and protest and weed through the garbage, and shape it into our perspective. But we live in a world that dictates policy through Media, or as Chomsky referred to as "manufacturing consent," Whether to bomb a town in some desert monarchy on the other side of the globe, or to put Martha on the block for being a bad businesswoman.
Molly Ivins pins the dittohead and their self-procliamed leader down pat... Thanks for the laughs, Molly!
“Who knows if, thus, we are not preparing ourselves to escape someday the principle of identity.”
Wow! Ted Rall asks the questions that nobody is willing to admit about 9-11. And this is not conspiracy theory stuff. These questions are realistic and go on unanswered by the government. Deflection, distraction, obfuscation...
Arianna Huffington tells is how it is sometimes. And well, this is one of those sometimes. Our friend slick Dick- quite the bastion of the Capital idea- finally showed up in "public" today in of all places- San Francisco! He was addressing the Commonwealth Club. Whose wealth I don't know, but he was greeted by protests, led by the SF Mime Troupe, who had a few words to say...
Rule number one: Never give a loaded weapon to a politician- they may actually use it! At least if you are in the GOP...
I realize this is from a the venerable mainstream Media source, TIME, but I still found this chain of events story by M. Elliot fascinating. It is critical of the government and US intelligence agencies' lack of competence when it came to anti-terrorism pre-9/11. Some detailed information comes out and plays like a international spy thriller...
JC's point that "our direct relationship, as the People, with "the State" is not concrete" is well taken. Likewise, our economic system, in reality, does not conform perfectly to the textbook definition of capitalism. There are forces of BASTARDization everywhere. The same case can be made that our supposedly democratic system of politics falls short of our ideals.
To add Derek to your July 24 comments "But wait! First: -- who is "The Enemy"?..." :
Scott Ritter, former Marine Corps and UN weapons inspector in IRAQ, under the title UNSCOM, has been making some waves lately. A recent "FrontLine" special about the Iraqi potential for biological weapons development spent some time on Ritter’s political action.
When one person, company or entity has control it is called a monopoly.
Regarding Random Man's post "W's Absurd Support of Jeb":